Saturday, July 15, 2017

Starpath Dolls and Customized Books Become Your Child's Newest Best Friend and Adventure!

In The Know With JoJo received samples for free to facilitate this review and giveaway all opinions are 100 percent my own.

Every child loves making new friends and going on great adventures! With Starpath Dolls your child will have a new best friend and can go on a new adventure with them through their personalized story book. Each doll has its own name and its own personality. There are four dolls in the line and two different books you can personalize. Each doll is priced very inexpensively for the quality and makes a perfect gift. Sierra loves hers it is almost as big as her.

Morning Star is the doll my daughter chose. Sierra loves pink and flowers and I think that is why she picked her. She is bright, cheery and all in all a beautiful doll. I myself was amazed at the size and quality of this doll as it is priced at only $79. It comes packaged in a beautiful purple box and includes several extras like a purse, hair-bow and sweater. You can also buy more accessories on the Starpath Dolls website. When considering American Girl Dolls can be priced at as high as $115 that a Starpath Doll is a steal. I can tell little to no difference. In my opinion the Starpath Dolls are actually better and hold up to a whole lot more play. Sierra loves dressing up like her doll and wears this dress she is in when she plays with her. She took her dolls sweater off so they matched better she said for the picture above. 

I was amazed at the sculpting in the face. It is so real and life like that Morning Star takes on her own personality. Sierra is really hard on every doll she has. Most she takes their clothes off and rips their heads off. Morning Star has held up to everything Sierra could do to her. Her hair is still as pretty as the day we got her. Starpath Dolls are very high quality!
Their are two different books to choose from A Fairy Tale Gone Wrong and Tiger Magic. You can choose an ebook or regular book. We chose the regular book since  Sierra is only two I thought she would get more out of an actual book compared to the ebook. It seems to hold her attention better. Sometimes she gets a little to excited about getting to use the computer in general so I didn't think she would do well with an ebook. Each book is customization to your child's interests, name, family and friends. The books are a little long so if you have a smaller child this is something keep in mind you will need to read with them.
Sierra loves that her doll looks and can dress like her. She loves the fact that her doll is so big. Starpath Dolls are perfect for little ones as well as older kids. The books add a magical story to the dolls and your child can go on their own adventure with their Starpath Doll.

Make sure to check out Starpath Dolls and follow them on social media below:


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