Monday, July 31, 2017

DIY Bath Tub Soap Playdough

Check out this fun recipe for making bath tub playdough! Bubble bath play dough can be used in the tub and disappears when mixed with water.


1/2 cup Cornstarch
1 Food coloring
1 tsp Coconut oil
1/4 cup Johnson & johnson bubble bath
Directions mix and form into a ball.

Check out this fun recipe for making bath tub playdough! Bubble bath play dough can be used in the tub and disappears when mixed with water.

Don't want to make your own but want to try buy your own here


  1. I must make this! My grandson loves bathtime and play dough. He would have a blast with this!

  2. This looks fun! We love making homemade playdough. :)

  3. Pretty simple and good way to entertain the kids

  4. Now this is the playdough to have - one that they can use in the tub!!! Yea!

  5. Perfect for the grandkids they love play dough.

  6. (DIY Bath Tub Soap Playdough) I did not even know that they had a tub type of playdough for the kids to play with. This is news to me.

  7. I never knew there was such a thing. No time to make, but I know a couple kids that are going to love it. Sudsy Dough, AND different scents, AND I can order it online? :)

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