Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Do you want to find out your Personality Profile?

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Sverve and You Are What You Like. All opinions are 100 percent my own.

How much does your social media following know about your personality? Apparently more than what we could ever imagine! Cubeyou has been working in the marketing field for 4 years. Two years ago, in partnership with the University of Cambridge, they developed a Facebook app called YouAreWhatYouLike that helps to uncover your personality based on your Facebook activity and background! What you like or don't like on Facebook tells a lot more about you than you realize and YouAreWhatYouLike analyzes all of your activity to give you  a comprehensive Personality Profile.

This personality profile is estimated by Cambridge University, a trustworthy scientific, world wide known institution. I tried the app just out of curiosity and it was fun. The app provides a free, easy to use, scientific personality test. It's is all about having fun, being curious and open to learning more about yourself! It’s amazing how Facebook likes can be informative of our behavior and even our personality, it could be a little scary, but nowadays it’s a very discussed topic on the web!

I was very surprised at how accurate YouAreWhatYouLike app was. It really made me stop and think about how easy it is for companies to target you for spending. What you like on Facebook of course you click the like button for it. So when that perfect scented spray from Bath and Body Works pops up and you click like. It tells all of the companies that sell lotion, perfume etc., hey she might buy us. That's why for a week you get ads in your feed for perfume! So of course the same thing would apply for predicting your personality! It is so simple that you don't even think about it. I found the app to be fun and definitely something you want to share with your friends! It is so simple you don't have to answer one question it just analyzes what you like on facebook already.

This is the actual results of my personality profile. I am very flexible and spontaneous. I have always considered myself to be outgoing and competitive. Not t brag but I have a few awards. Most of all I am very emotional and very stressed a new baby and a total of three kids will do that too you. Especially being responsible for the only income in the household! YouAreWhatYouLike app is very much so worth giving a try go here http://youarewhatyoulike.com and check out your profile now!


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