Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Color Wheel On Steroids

How many color combinations can you get from 24 markers? The answer: 276 Color Combos!
Wait! That doesn't sound right! Oh, but it is! There is a set of markers out there that will bring out the inner artist in your child. They are called The Original Blendy Pens from Chameleon Art Products! I couldn't believe the creativity that was unlocked with these neat pens!

As an Art Major, I learned all about the color wheel! (Primary and secondary colors.) The quest to make variations of those colors could consume your mind when trying to create. So, imagine the excitement I felt when I did three little steps to acheive all of the color combinations offered in the Blendy Pen Collection! Simply twist, fuse, and blend! It's like a artist's Heaven on Earth!
Sharing the excitement with the children was so much fun! They enjoyed the 24 Original Blendy Pens, 12 Fusion Chambers, bonus Airbrush, 2 stencil pages, art protfolio they can color to their liking,  and 10 posters included in the package!
This product is a Granny approved gift idea! The Original Blendy Pens set promotes imagination, creation, interaction with others, and eye/hand coordination! All of those skills that are necessary in the development of our children's minds and motor skills!
The Original Blendy Pens come with everything you need to enjoy those rainy, snowy and chilly days ahead of us. Grab everyone a cup of Hot Cocoa and some fresh baked cookies, the Blendy Pens set of your choosing, and turn off the electronic devices! It's time for pure creativity, family time, and connecting with your child!

Make sure you check out The Original Blendy Pens this year shop below and follow them on social media below. This really is a great gift!


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