Thursday, November 19, 2015

Discountrue #Sponsored Post!

Trips With Kids Tips

Family traveling can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a lot of hassle, especially if you have little ones in tow. Their needs are difficult to factor into the equation, especially when you're traveling with children the first time. Whether you have a toddler or a teenager, these travel tips will keep you sane and ensure the most fun trip possible!

Don't Plan Down To The Second

No matter how great of a planner you are, your child's needs are going to come first. Smaller children love to explore and older children hate to be rushed, so be sure to factor in some extra time for sightseeing, bathroom breaks, snack time and the inevitable stalling. Before leaving for your trip, it is important to remember about fitting all of these additional activities into your chosen time frame.
Otherwise, you might end up losing your cool.

Provide Them With A Camera

While this one may or may not work as well for an older children, your little one will love having a camera of their own with which to document the festivities. Make sure you are providing them with a child proof product that can withstand a pounding – there are some quality cameras you might want to be interested in at Kohl's, now available at a budget price thanks to Discountrue coupons. Also, be prepared to see lots of out of focus pictures. The best part of all comes after the trip, when you and your child sit down together and go through all of the photos. You just might be surprised at what they come up with!

Use Public Transportation

A hidden benefit to traveling with young children is that they have not had the chance to become jaded by public transportation and are typically more excited to ride a bus or train than any other member of the family. To them, the car is old hat and public transportation provides them with an all new experience. It gives them a chance to feel more grown up, while also enjoying their surroundings and meeting new people.

Plan Plenty Of Activities

An older child is going to have a shorter attention span and be more apt to play on their phone or listen to their MP3 player if you do not provide them with numerous activities. Even something as simple as a Mad Libs book can provide hours upon hours of mirth and merriment. Or, you can allow
them to choose the music that you will listen to. You can also bring a DVD player on the trip, so that
your child can have their own movie marathon.

Keep Them Involved

This one is especially true for older children, who do not want to feel as if they are simply being
ordered around and told what to do. So, involve your children in the planning stages of the trip to
avoid any extended periods of sulking. If you give them a chance to offer input, you might be
pleasantly surprised!

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