Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Just Think Toys Bath Blocks Review and Giveaway! #Toddler Gift Guide

13 pc Seaport Set in Reusable Storage Bag picture

When we first got to try Bath Blocks from Just Think Toys I am not going to lie I really wondered how durable and how much fun kids could really have with a foam set of bath blocks. Let me just say more fun than you can imagine! My kids have every bath toy known to man squirters, pirate ships, boats that change colors, even  race track set for the tub but the new wears off and my kids never play with any of that stuff now. I figured that would be the case here but it is not. I guess the reason my kids love Bath Blocks 13 Piece Seaport Set With Reusable Bag is that they never really get old. These would make the perfect toddler gift that is why I am recommending these in my toddler gift guide. The only thing you may want to watch for is if your toddler mouths toys a lot or chews them as these are foam; that being said they are a very durable foam.

There is always something new to build every time and so many different ways to play with Bath Blocks. At first I didn't believe they would stick together let alone stick to walls but as you can see from the pictures they easily stick. My kids have played with their Bath Blocks set everyday they have bathed consecutively for a little over a week. I even tried setting them up to see if the kids asked for them and they did. The Bath Blocks have really became a highlight of my children's bath. No arguments to get baths just constructive imaginative building play in the tub. I am purchasing  second set of these for Christian for his birthday so the kids each have a set mainly to make a larger set with more possibilities for building and play. I really love the bag these come with also. It is netted so you can actually place the blocks back in the bag after use and the netting doesn't hold water. The bag is very innovative and makes an excellent storage bag to place your Bath Blocks in after use.
To purchase your own set of Bath Blocks go to Just Think Toys. Bath Blocks are priced between $9.99 and $19.99 very affordable and super fun for the kids! Bath Blocks can also be used in the pool for even more creative play fun!
Enter To Win 
Who wants to win your own set of Bath Blocks? Just Think Fun Wants to Make this easy for you just go to Just Think Toys and comment below with your favorite toy from Just Think Toys. What is your favorite?


  1. We have the princess set and she just loves it and so do I. It's really great not having to worry about them wanting to take a bath because they always do with these set. Great giveaway.

  2. I love all the toys that cling to the wall and magnets

  3. 21 pc Ball Run in Reusable Storage Bag

  4. I like the 21 pc Ball Run in Reusable Storage Bag

  5. Looks like an awesome giveaway! My kids are too big for this but I will share away! :D

  6. I love the floating castle set'

  7. I would love for my kids to have the 21 pc Ball Run in Reusable Storage Bag

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 20 pc Coast Guard Set in Reusable Storage Bag achadwick22 at yahoo dot com

  10. i love how they are like magnets and stick to the tub my son would love the space set

  11. i like the space set! christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

  12. This would also be great to have for my grandson; 21 pc Ball Run in Reusable Storage Bag.

  13. The 20 pc Floating Castle Set looks very nice!

  14. The winner is Ashley Kirchner Congrats!


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