Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tacky Box Review!

The Tacky Box is an excellent concept from magnificent children's writers Chris Kent Phelps, Emma Phelps and Cindy Kent also illustrated by Cindy Kent. The Tacky Box has such a smart, simple lesson yet such a needed lesson for children. With the world as it is in such a disarray kids becoming parents, grandmothers raising grandbabies, drug addiction and the many woes facing society our children seem to be the ones who fall victim most. Through social media, violent video games, bad home lives and television children are exposed to 10 times more than they were 20 years ago. When I grew up it was a rare occasion to hear someone cuss on TV let alone to see any nudity or extreme violence; now it is so common in the entertainment industry that we don't even blink when we hear or see something negative.  With children being exposed to these things at such an early age every home needs a Tacky Box!
The idea is so simple Max the monkey has no friends because he repeats whatever he hears from his friend the parrot. Max uses tacky (mean/bad) words and can't find any playmates. Max is lonely and sad until he meets the wise old owl. The wise owl gives him a Tacky Box to place all his "tacky" words in. Max begins making friends; instantly just by using nice words!
Every classroom and home should have a Tacky Box! I placed our book and tacky box directly in my sons back pack as soon as we read our book. This is a lesson his whole class should learn! If every family and class used a tacky box bullying would decrease and children would learn such a great lesson TACKY WORDS HAVE NO PLACE IN LIFE! The Tacky Box is simply amazing! We ordered one for our home as well! Make sure you are following Tacky Box on facebookpinterest, google plus and twitter! Check out Tacky Box on YouTube!
To order your own Tacky Box go to http://www.tackybox.com!


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