Sunday, June 25, 2017

Problem Solving Products For Some of a New Mother's Worries

In The Know With JoJo received samples for free to facilitate this review and giveaway all opinions are 100 percent my own.
New moms have so much to deal with, no sleep, feedings and around the clock care of a new baby. It is mentally and physically draining and takes such a toll on your body physically also. Era Organics is here to help. I know I was so self conscious of all the body changes I went through when pregnant; especially the stretch marks. Era Organics line of products is all natural and specifically designed for the needs of moms and babies.

We were able to try Era Organics Organic Healing Balm and Organic Stretch Mark and Scar Oil. Sierra has extremely dry and sensitive skin so I was very excited to try the Organic Healing Balm. We saw results within the first few days of using the balm. The main thing was she had no allergies to anything in the product and Sierra has allergic reactions to almost every scented or non scented product offered in retail stores like Wal Mart even some organic products. The Organic Healing Balm had no added dyes or scents and was gentle on Sierra's skin so much so that we have began using it in our daily regimen as her go to diaper rash cream. We use a drop to prevent diaper rash from starting. For smaller babies it is perfect for getting rid of cradle cap.
My stretch marks have always bothered me and I always wished I had used something like Era Organics Stretch Mark and Scar Oil when I was pregnant as they would not have been as bad as they are but here we are now. I can only diminish the look of my Stretch Marks and the Era Organics Stretch Mark and Scar Oil has helped a lot. I ha the reddish purple type of stretch marks that were very noticeable. Since using this they have melted away to a silvery white much less noticeable shade. I am super pleased with the results. Not to mention both products are soft, smooth and comforting for your skin. 

Worried about stretch marks cause by giving birth? Worry no more here is an amazing product that will solve your problems!

Let Era Organics take away some of your worries as a mom. Make sure to check out their products on their site below they have so many great products like their Natural Shampoo and Conditioner and follow them on social media below:



  1. I've heard amazing things about this brand! Great for mommas and babies :)

  2. I have used Era Organics Organic products. I think they are wonderful and help my very dry skin.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  3. I will keep this in mind as our son has sensitive skin issues so maybe his little sister will also when she arrives in a couple of weeks! Thanks for your review!


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