Saturday, August 22, 2015

Crayola is at the Top of our Back to School List!

Free For All received samples to facilitate this review all opinions are 100 percent my own.

If you are going back to school I guarantee you have at least one item from Crayola on your back to school list. Crayola sent us several shipments to try out their different back to school products. One thing I loved that you should consider that probably won't be on any ones back to school list but your child's teacher will love you are the Visi-Max Dry Erase Markers. I think to many times we get lost in what our kids have to have and forget about what the teachers need to teach. We try and keep both in mind and buy extras for the teachers as well. Check out all the new products Crayola has and find your child's teacher and your child what they need!

My kids and I really enjoyed trying numerous types of Crayola products we otherwise may have never known about like the Pip Squeak markers. They are perfect for my toddlers tiny grasp. The Dry Erase crayons were also a hit, my boys loved that they had a crayon they could wipe off. They can also use them in their wipe off work books. It makes learning a little funner! For these crayons all you really need is a slick surface that wipes off easily nothing of course that is valuable or you would worry may be damaged. For the little artist in my ife my youngest Gavin he had a ball with the Water Colors and loved how I could clean off the colors when he mixed them up on accident with a paper towel.

If your kids hate the smell of markers maybe you should try Crayola's Power Lines scented markers. These are perfect for larger poster board projects. They are also fun for kids to just be creative with. Christian my oldest likes drawing pictures of the marker's scent. For example with Ampd Green Apple he draw a giant Green Apple then brought it to me and wanted me to guess what it was by the scent.  Crayola has pretty much any kind of crayons, markers or paint that your kids may need. Most of you have probably used colored pencils and crayons but I want to take a minute to say that Crayola is the only brand we use in crayons or colored pencils. I see so many companies offer 10 cent crayons and they are pure junk. They break when I use them so how quick can a child tear them up. Crayola lasts they stand for quality and stand the test of generations!

Crayola is a brand I grew up with and to me it is iconic. I want my kids to enjoy the same fun I had with Crayola product's as a child and I want your kids to enjoy Crayola also. So make sure you are following Crayola on social media below to stay up to date on contests, coupons, new products, discounts and so much more!


1 comment

  1. I love the Crayola supply packs. It basically compile all of the basics a grade school student might need and wraps them up in neat little packages tailored to a range of grades.

    Ash@College Reine Marie


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