Sunday, January 27, 2019

Radz Smooshy Mushy Besties The Perfect Valentine's Treat

Radz is always welcome in my household. We just watch the kids closely with a little one as Radz is little hard candy and is a choking hazard. Radz is always coming up with a neat concept. They have the cutest Smooshy Mushy Besties 4-1 Blind Bags available just in time for Valentine's Day!

With four kids candy never lasts long here. Radz is a loved brand and has honestly evolved into a mini toy in itself. Smooshy Mushy Besties was a huge hit with my daughter Sierra she loved these! All my kids love squishies but Sierra is way more into blind bags than the boys. She opened every one in one day. I couldn't help it she loves them! She wants a birthday cake one but didn't get it yet so perfect Valentine's Day gift!

Each Smooshy Mushy Bestie blind bag comes with delicious Radz candy (perfect for Valentine’s Day), a mini poster, charm + bracelet and a real Smooshy Mushy Squishy Bestie. These are perfect for Valentine's Day school exchanges as well and priced very affordably. They are a huge hit with boys and girls and some of the squishies we got included pop tarts, chicken bones and some boy or girl squishies! They are super neat!
Make sure to follow Radz on social media and when Valentine's day shopping stop by your local retailer like Wal-Mart to find Radz. They are in several stores.


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