Monday, January 21, 2019

How Chin Augmentation Creates Facial Harmony When Combined With Rhinoplasty

When you look in the mirror, you might identify a “trouble spot” that's bothering you, such as a weak chin, sunken cheeks, or an imperfect nose. But you might be surprised to learn that although you focus on just one point of concern, another person (such as a cosmetic surgeon) might see multiple areas that need to be corrected to improve facial harmony. Two of the most common issues that plastic surgeons see are a weak chin and a disproportionately sized nose. Fixing a weak chin or a misshapen nose certainly makes some improvement in facial symmetry. But adjusting both the nose and chin makes an especially noticeable change in your appearance. This is especially true of your side profile, which is when a weak or recessed chin or an over-projected nose are most apparent. Sometimes, a weak chin can even make a nose that's relatively proportionate look too large. If you're concerned about improving the harmony between these two facial structures, there are both surgical and non-surgical methods available to help.

The Lowdown On Chin Augmentation

The medical term for a chin augmentation is “genioplasty.” Genioplasty can involve traditional surgery or fillers to create a stronger chin. In addition to improving the chins profile, genioplasty
is also used to accentuate and define the jawline and neck. Chin augmentation can also reduce the appearance of a “double” chin and give the chin a more toned and pleasing shape. The procedure can be performed alone or combined with another procedure, such as rhinoplasty, to achieve proportionate facial features. When chin augmentation is performed by a certified plastic surgeon, it gives you a permanent solution to a weak or underdeveloped chin.
If you choose to have surgical chin augmentation, your doctor will insert a chin implant into your chin to achieve a desired shape. A good surgeon will take care to avoid creating an unnatural look. Implants vary in size and shape, and you'll learn about the right one for you at your initial consultation. Regardless of variety, all chin implants are structurally the same. They are durable,
solid devices made from a substance that the body can tolerate, such as silicone. A chin implant
procedure takes about an hour to perform, but the length of surgery is longer if the procedure is combined with another one, such as rhinoplasty. You may have a chin augmentation performed on an outpatient basis, but because rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia, you'll be fully under if you're having both procedures performed at once.
If you prefer a non-surgical method of improving your chins profile, dermal fillers are another option for chin augmentation. There are numerous fillers to choose from, and you can decide with your plastic surgeon which one is best for you. If you have certain allergies, a hyaluronic filler may be the best choice. A filler made with hyaluronic acid provides instant results with only minimal swelling and bruising. Unlike surgery, there is no downtime or risk of infection from a filler. Fillers that stimulate the production of collagen, such as Sculptra, are another good choice if you want natural-looking results with minimal downtime. The main difference between an implant and fillers is that you'll have to keep up with filler injections to maintain balance and volume in your chin. Unless implants move or you have an adverse reaction, they'll provide a permanent solution to your chin issues.
Your Guide To Rhinoplasty

While a chin augmentation is typically used to address aesthetic concerns, rhinoplasty can be performed for both aesthetic and medical purposes. While a chin augmentation involves an implant, however, rhinoplasty only entails reshaping the nose. Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure where a surgeon restructures the internal and/or external components of the nose to improve your appearance or facilitate breathing. When performed for medical reasons, a rhinoplasty can make it easier to breathe by correcting structural defects in your nose, such as a deviated septum. Rhinoplasty is used to reshape the nose to eliminate problems like bumps or depressions in the bridge. It is used to correct aesthetic problems that you've had since birth, and it can also restore a nose to its original shape after an accident.
There are several types of issues that rhinoplasty can address. One is nose size. Noses that are too large can be reshaped to achieve facial balance. A nose can also be trimmed to reduce its width at the bridge, or to make the nostrils a different size and shape. Rhinoplasty can also be used to correct the tip of a nose that's too large, droops, is hooked, or is bulbous. Rhinoplasty also fixes improperly shaped nostrils, such as those that are too wide, large, or turned upwards.
A nose that's crooked can also be straightened through rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can be performed exclusively for aesthetic purposes, to correct breathing problems, or both. When it's done for breathing issues, rhinoplasty involves changing the internal nasal structure to correct a deviated septum or any other structural abnormality that's causing problems.

It Takes Two
Because the size and shape of the nose and chin directly affect the other's appearance, the combination of both a chin augmentation and a rhinoplasty is the most common type of combined plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty or a chin augmentation can also be performed in tandem with another procedure, such as a neck lift or a face lift. If you choose to have a chin augmentation and rhinoplasty performed simultaneously, your recovery time may be a bit longer than if you just had one alone. The initial swelling in both areas will subside within about a month. You'll be able to see the final results of your chin augmentation within about three months, but it may take up to a year for your new nose to take its final shape. Therefore, patience is important during the healing process!

Where To Go For A Chin Augmentation And Rhinoplasty

For more information on a chin augmentation and rhinoplasty, the next step is to contact an experienced plastic surgeon. One top plastic surgeon to consider is Dr. Andrew Jacono, who is double board certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery as well as Head and Neck Surgery (ENT). Dr. Jacono has performed many facial rejuvenation procedures (rhinoplasties), along with other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Please contact Dr. Jacono’s office at the New York Center for Facial & Plastic Surgery by calling (212) 570-2500 or visiting his site if you’re interested in a chin augmentation procedure while in the New York City area.

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