Friday, February 2, 2018

Finding Success In Business and Customer Service With USER IQ

This is a sponsored post written on behalf of User IQ I was compensated for this post!

Finding success in the business world can be difficult you must have amazing customer service. Sometimes we need a little guidance. User IQ is here to help! User IQ's guided software tour makes finding success in the business world much simpler. With their guided tour the business and customer service world is within reach!

When I started my business I never imagines it would grow and I would be working with companies like Enetenmann's, Crayola and so many more. I would hold ambassadorships with companies I never dreamed of. Finding the right path took me years I wish I had known about User IQ then. My business started as a way for me to provide my children with more. When I fist started I never received any cash payments only product samples. The more I grew and the better my audience became the more paid opportunities I received. User IQ product usage analytics allows you to track your audience with tools you never dreamed of or even knew about. You can learn so much with User IQ!
User IQ offers customers a free trial so you know what you are buying. You can try out their software and see for yourself what a difference it makes in your business becoming successful. Make the most of every customer interaction with guided product tours purpose-built to reinforce on-boarding, drive product adoption, and reduce time-to-value. Take the guesswork out of product usage with easy to understand analytics. When I first started my business I didn't even know what analytics was. User IQ would have been such a helpful tool!

Drive Product Engagement with Contextual Data & Customized Alerts
Discover how users are engaging with your product and use powerful analytics to maximize customer success
with UserIQ’s product engagement software! 
Combine High-Tech and High-Touch Engagement for Smarter On-boarding
Create a more engaging onboarding experience for every customer, every time. Guided product tours teach users how to adopt relevant features, while the Launcher keeps every tutorial only a click away.

Understand How Each User is Interacting with Your Product!
UserIQ’s detailed product usage analytics make it easy to understand how each user segment is interacting with your product. Our flexible dashboard allows you to identify top users and features in every segment, letting you know which features are most relevant for each user or which users may need assistance.
Kickstart Product Engagement With Feature Callouts

Your product is always improving, so it’s important to keep your users up to speed. Custom feature callouts bring attention to product upgrades and highlight new features so users stay engaged and continue seeing value.
Guide Product Engagement with Tooltips

Unobtrusive tooltips encourage feature adoption by offering suggestions on how a user can implement a feature into their workflow.
Pinpoint Feature Improvements and Anticipate User Demands

Feedback from your users can be used in combination with product usage analytics to uncover aspects of your product that are hindering adoption and engagement. In-app surveys allow you to reach out to users who aren’t engaging, compare the effectiveness of on-boarding, follow up with support tickets, and more.

Get Custom Alerts and Never Miss a Beat!

Each day, your users are performing a countless number of activities. Event notifications keep you up to date with the issues that need your attention. Our email and Slack integration ensure you’ll always be aware when a customer hasn’t logged in for a while or shows a drop in activity. Opens 3 or more high-severity service tickets in a month. Is approaching their renewal date. Responds to an NPS prompt. And much more! Start your free trial today and see how much User IQ has to offer!

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