Friday, September 29, 2017

Trick or Treat Fidget Spinner Fun With Oriental Trading

Halloween is one of our families favorite holidays.My kids love giving treats out to their classes. We usually make up treat bags for each child. This year I wanted to change it up just a little bit. Although the treat bags are tons of fun they are time consuming to put together and take a lot of patience. This year we saw something amazing on Oriental Trading. Oriental Trading is now offering fidget spinners. Check out all of the different Oriental Trading fidget spinners. I love the Halloween themes! My kids love fidget spinners as most children do right now. It is the newest trend. I thought of how great it would be to treat each child this year with a fidget spinner for Halloween.

I loved the fidget spinner treat idea because they are actually a useful learning tool and commonly used to help children with many different problems and disorders. Who Can Benefit From Fidget Spinners? Children (and adults as well) who have been diagnosed with ADHD/ ADD, Autism or Aspergers, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Behavioral Problems, inattention or difficulty focusing, individuals who are shy and who have social anxiety. Check out some of the benefits of fidget spinners below.

Therapeutic Benefits:
  • Spinners expel nervous energy-Think about the subconscious movements you make when you feel nervous (i.e. biting nails, pacing, tapping, mindlessly snacking). Spinners give your hands something constructive to do when you feel nervous. 
  • Spinners decrease anxiety- Fidgets can take away the focus of tension (i.e. a conversation, a test, etc…) and instead re-directs it to the spinner 
  • Spinners restore control to the individual- We cannot control all the factors that surround high pressure situations (likes tests or social events) which causes great anxiety for some. Spinners restore some control back to the individual during perceived “out of control” situations, empowering them with more confidence and security. 
  • Spinners provide calming visual stimulation- Because the spinners are predictable in their direction and speed, they are calming to the eye. Again, when situations feel out of control, individuals find security in predictable, reliable objects such as these.
  • Spinners initiate conversation- Because spinners are a fun, unique fidget coming in all different sizes, shapes, and colors, many kids are curious about them and will strike up a conversation about them.
If fidget spinners isn't what you are looking for no worries Oriental Trading has it all. They have costumes. Check out our costume post here. They have everything to put together an amazing party from decorations to games all in amazing Halloween themes. They have the perfect treats also. As always everything on Oriental Trading is priced affordably and you can easily buy fr everyone!

Make sure to check out Oriental Trading for all of your Halloween costume and party needs. Also be sure to follow them on Facebook below for fun contests, new products, promotions and more:



  1. My granddaughter loves Fidget Spinners . I'm sure she would love the Halloween designs.

  2. My kids don't have the fidget spinners. They don't really seem to be interested in them

  3. My granddaughter has a fidget spinner and I think she would like the orange pumpkin spinner also.

  4. No, the kids do not have these. I honestly don't see what purpose these serve lol I'm not the parent so it's up to them if they buy them (waste of money, imho, haha).

  5. My child does not , but she enjoys playing with others.

  6. My grandson has several.He just got the one that lights up!!

  7. We don't have a fidget spinner as of yet, but I am sure my son would like one.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  8. My kids have a collection of these things!

  9. My nephews and nieces have some but my little girl isn't old enough for one yet

  10. Oh yes, we have several. The 9 year old decided she wants to collect them. We have red ones and black ones, light up ones and odd shaped ones!


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