Monday, October 27, 2014

Oogaa Review! #Baby and Toddler Gift Guide

Free For All received  sample to facilitate this review all opinions are 100 percent my own! No financial compensation was received.
With baby Bailey #3 on the way we have brought you everything from diapers to ply yards for baby! We only want the best for our kids and yours and we try and test every product we share on our children so you know what is best and what just doesn't hold up! I am so excited to bring you Oogaa the reusable silicone feeding solution for toddlers! Oogaa offers a variety of feeding supplies including, place mats, bowls, spoons, mealtime sets and even cute onesies!  To purchase Oogaa product in store or online just click here.


Why is using silicone feeding supplies important? oogaa’s silicone feeding products will not support the growth of fungus, mould or bacteria. They are odorless and tasteless, microwave safe, dishwasher safe, heat resistant and freezer safe. Oogaa has received so many awards it is impossible to name them all but some of the more prestigious and well known are PTPA Award Winner, NAAPA Award, and Best Hot Product Winner! I also give Oogaa a huge 2 thumbs up! I was so surprised at how much easier Oogaa's silicone feeding sets were to clean compared to regular dishes. Gavin loved the train spoons and airplane spoons; those were his favorite! He really enjoyed when I made train and airplane sounds and he started making them and feeding himself.

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Oogaa offers a wide range of silicone feeding products which are much safer and healthier for baby in my opinion. To purchase Oogaa Products go to Oogaa and order yours today. Oogaa makes the perfect gift for expecting moms or the perfect toddler gift. To connect further with Oogaa on social media follow the links below:



  1. I have never tried Oogaa but it looks like a product both my baby and toddler could use!

  2. Today, we are sharing the first of three gift guides to help kick off your holiday shopping. And it's going to be an adorable gift guide to share with you all because this one is all about...playard by thebabyguides


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