Monday, December 16, 2013

Old Timer Review and Giveaway!

Old Timer knives bring back so many memories for me. When this package came my thoughts went to my papa and my daddy. I can remember both carrying their trusted, weathered, worn and heavily used but time tested Old Timer Knives. My dad and grandpa carried folding Old Timers similar to this 104OT.
Old Timer is a brand that is known for durability and quality. The Old Timer 1520OT's we were able to try have been amazing knives. They feel awesome in your hands and are so easy to carry. Also, the sheath they come with is so nice and really adds a bit of flair to the knife and makes carrying your 1520OT simple and easy. The 1520OT easily cuts through trees and worked great for clearing our hunting path. The 1520OT is a great multi purpose multi function knife. I personally think it would be an wonderful knife for skinning deer as it just has that feel to it. I live in Eastern KY and it is muzzle loading season here. I was hoping to be able to try out the knife on a deer but alas the men in my life have failed me; no deer but lots of setting and waiting. We did spot several doe and one small buck. The buck was so small though it would have just been sad to have killed it. I don't hunt unless I will use the meat and we have 2 deer in the deep freeze so unless it was a big one I had no plans on shooting it. I loved being able to put my Old Timer 1520OT to the test it handled great and really impressed me I also would like to know how many of you would like to try one out. I have 2 1520OT'S to give away so that means 2 winners be sure you like Schrade, Old Timer and Uncle Henry Knives on facebook and tell them thank you if you want to see more great reviews and giveaways like this from Free For All! Get your entries in below:


  1. What an awesome review! I would to win one for my dad or hubby! They hunt and would love to give these great looking knives a try :)

  2. lol my dad had the same knife! the Old Timer knives really are among the best of them. something that can also be passed down to loved ones- thanks for the great review and giveaway JoBeth! =)

  3. Oh, I would love to win this for my hubby! He goes mountain biking all the time and I've been telling him for ages he needs to carry a knife with him! It freaks me out to think of him hurt, close to passed out, lying on the trail and possible prey to animals or him coming across a rattlesnake. Eek! This has happened before...he wrecked and passed out. Thank you for the awesome giveaway JoBeth!

  4. This looks like a good quality knife that would last a lifetime. Not a cheap throw away knife.

  5. This is generous of you. Thank you very much.

  6. old timer knives are great for any use and very durable. thanks for the giveaway.

  7. JoBeth you brought back the same memory of my dad to me and my husband's dad to him. Thank-you! Legendary Schrade. Great giveaway! :)
    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year's!! Cheers!

  8. That was a hunting knife for years, but I gave it to someone to sharpen for me and never got it back. I loved it!!!

  9. Been a fan of Schrade, Old Timer and Uncle Henry Knives for awhile now. Great products and a very nice review on your part. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of their knives.

  10. Awesome knives, liked them for years!

  11. Schrade are awesome products and well-made! Everyone that I own, I absolutely love. I would really love this one

  12. Schrade ROCKS! The Old Timer is the ultimate,"must have!".

  13. I have a 1520T which is my go to knife. Though it's a bit worn and if I ever lost it I'd be lost myself. Of any of my knives, I want to make sure that I have duplicates of this one, should the need arise.

  14. this would definitely be a great Christmas present


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