Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mutant Pollutants Review!

My kids are now Mutant Pollutants collectors; they really suck! That is the tagline for the suction and it is so true these little guys stick to anything! We have all bought toys that claim to stick that do for maybe a second but these really do! My kids loved sticking them to the walls then to my table and then to the car windows! Then the fun really started when they figured out the would stick in the tub even better when they got a little wet. My sons tried the Glow In the Dark Pollutants 3 Pack. In each pack you get 3 Pollutants 2 you can see and one that is a surprise! Pollutants will be one of the items you see in my sons stockings this year. They are just the right size to make excellent stocking stuffers or even small gifts. Heck go wild and buy a few as a present and start a lucky kid a Mutant Pollutant Collection for Christmas! They have a great free online game you can play here to http://mutantpollutants.com/games. You can find Pollutants at Wal-Mart, Toys R Us and many other stores here is their product locator http://mutantpollutants.com/where-to-buy. Keep up to date on all things Pollutant on their facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/mutantpollutants.

1 comment

  1. oh boy if it sticks my kids would love ha they look like they could be a fun little thing to have thanks for the review


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