Friday, April 26, 2019

Fingerblings Fingerlings Monkeys

Fingerling Monkeys, or Fingerblings are adorable!  I received one from WowWee to review.

Fingerblings are special edition Fingerling Monkeys.  They shimmer and shine with their irridescent glitter sparkles.  And with the included gem sticker strips, you can give them even more bling.  Attach the stickers around the head, on the body or on the arms and legs.  Wherever you want, you're the designer!

These are interactive pets that respond to sound, motion and touch.  They blink their eyes, turn their heads, blow kisses, swing by their tails and make babbling monkey noises.  You can even rock them to sleep in your hands. 

They are available in several colors, so pick your favorite or collect them all!  They are recommended for ages 5 and up.  The suggested retail price is $14.99 and you can purchase them HERE


1 comment

  1. I think these are just so cute. I love the sparkly gems on their head. The blue one is my fave.


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