Saturday, November 10, 2018

Sentai KIDS Hello Kitty & Friends Series Just In Time For Christmas Plus Giveaway

 Parents, say hello again to Hello Kitty. As an eighties baby and now a millennial mom I know must millennials can also remember the fun we had as kids growing up with Hello Kitty. I had every item possible and was an avid collector. I watched every episode and loved it!. As a millennial parent I love that Hello Kitty has brought a whole new dimension to the beloved character allowing Hello Kitty to grow and evolve with this new two part series that is now only fun and cute to watch and collect but now teaches kids as they watch. A win win for us parents! 

Two all-new home video collections bring the magical Hello Kitty characters to life for preschoolers, as the first offering from the new distribution label Sentai KIDS. Hello Kitty is hugely recognizable and incredibly popular, and Santai is excited to bring Hello Kitty to life for the next generation of fans, said John Ledford, Founder of Sentai Kids.  There's really no better way to introduce Sentai KIDS than with one of the most iconic anime characters ever ­Hello Kitty.

Each DVD collection, with no fuss, parent friendly, POP N PLAY functionality, features over an hour of educational, engaging entertainment content geared toward preschool learners.  The series explores numbers, shapes, animals and other age-appropriate concepts like good manners and making friends, all with the engaging antics of Hello Kitty and her friends: Mimi, Amy, Eric, and Harry. 

In stores and online on November 20, the two DVD collections will be available at online retailers and brick-and-mortar stores including Best Buy, Target and WalMart.  Hello Kitty: Let¹s Learn Together will also be available on digital sell-through outlets including Amazon and Apple iTunes. 


As most of my readers know we try and test so many toys, games, DVD and kids items during the holiday season that an item must really stand out for me to give it the In The Know With JoJo Holiday Must Have! The Hello Kitty 2 Part Collection is a must have. It is engaging, fun and new. I am all about the kids learning without even knowing they are. This collection teaches kids and they don't even know it! My daughter has seen almost every series out there and loves them all but not many teach and hold her attention as well as this series. Sierra was captivated and motivated to learn by this set. I truly hope they continue with this learning series and make many more. Make sure you check out the Hello Kitty two part collection while shopping this season. It makes the perfect, affordable stocking stuffer or holiday gift for that special little one on your list!

Make sure to follow Sentai KIDS and enter the giveaway to win your own copy below: 




  1. I would like to win for my daughter who loves hello kitty

  2. I would like to win this for my friend's daughter.

  3. I would love to win this for my daughter. She loves Hello Kitty.

  4. I would like to win this for my granddaughter - she loves Hello Kitty

  5. This would be perfect for my little girl. She loves Hello Kitty.


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