Thursday, April 19, 2018

Will my Scar be Noticeable after an Arm Lift surgery?

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One question that likely repeats itself over and over again in your mind is whether or not your scar will be obvious after you’ve had an arm lift surgery done. Another question that might pop up for you is whether or not receiving the scar from the operation is worth getting the procedure done in the first place. The answer to both of these questions is an affirmative, and here’s why.

What You Can Expect After the Procedure

Once you’ve gone to meet with your experienced plastic surgeon and had your arm lift operation successfully carried out, you shouldn’t be surprised or in the least bit worried to see some scarring at the tender site of the incision. This is a common and even normal occurrence that results from undergoing this type of surgery. It’s important to remember that during the healing process, it generally gets worse before it gets better. That being said, don’t look for there to be minimal scarring right off the bat. If that happens to be the case, you can be fairly certain that your plastic surgeon just didn’t know what he was doing. Believe it or not, some scarring is a terrific sign because it lets you know that your arm lift surgery has, indeed, been a success. For this reason, you’ll want to embrace it wholeheartedly.

The first thing you’ll notice about the scars that are left on your arm after the procedure is completed, is that they have a visible red hue. You’ll also be able to point out that they’re a bit raised and quite hard too. The fact is these scars start out quite obvious to the naked eye, but they do gradually fade over time. For this reason, it may be in your best interest to get an arm lift surgery done as young as possible, so you’ll have less years to put up with the worst stages of scarring.

Ways to Make Scars Less Obvious

After surgery, your plastic surgeon will do everything in his power to minimize your scarring. Depending on what he considers to be the best form of treatment for your particular case, he may decide to apply tape for a prolonged period of time. Besides this, there’s a very good chance that he’ll give you a silicone sheeting to help with the healing process. Both of these are meant to make the scar stand out a little bit less than it would’ve, otherwise.

How Age Affects Scarring

Scarring is affected by a few different things, including age. For example, if you’re under eighteen years old, you may get scarring that remains red, like the scars’ original appearance, for two full years. However, if you’re over sixty-five years old, you can expect your recovery to be much faster than this. Your scars may be red and active for less than three months.

How Your Diet Affects the Healing Process

You might already know it, but diet plays a huge role in the proper healing of scars. The reason for this is that the body needs certain nutrients and vitamins to aid it with this all too important process. These are protein, vitamin C, Vitamin B Complex, vitamin A, and zinc. Each one of these are necessary for the healing process of these scars to begin taking effect.

By now, you’re probably wondering what foods contain these beneficial vitamins and nutrients. As for protein, you’ll want to start consuming foods such as, meats, beans, and nuts. Yogurt, peas, and crab are all great choices that can provide you with a considerable amount of zinc. Similarly, tomatoes, spinach, and carrots can equip your body with a sufficient supply of vitamin A that’ll help in healing the scarring both promptly and efficiently. Vitamin B can be digested through foods like eggs, whole grains, and fish. Furthermore, oranges and certain green vegetables will give your body the vitamin C it needs, in order to accomplish the task at hand. If you take an extra effort to introduce and then maintain a diet like this one, you’ll certainly notice a difference in the time it takes for your scars to heal.

If you are in true need of an arm lift surgery, scarring should really be the least of your concerns. It may not end up being the most appealing part of your body, but you’ll feel much better than you did before having the operation performed by your skilled plastic surgeon.

Dr. Marc Everett is a top plastic surgeon, who received special training for his line of work in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In Houston, he completed the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery endorsed fellowship that was sponsored by the biggest private aesthetic plastic surgery facility in the state of Texas. He specializes in common plastic surgery procedures for women that usually have to do with the breasts or the buttocks. You can learn more about him at

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