Friday, August 18, 2017

Cover Napping and Play All In One With Sack Pals


With my two year old meals, play times and naps are the only constant! Sack Pals has little ones in mind and truly know their customers! My Sierra loves her Sack Pal's they are her best friends. With Sack Pals you aren't just getting some stuffed animals and blanket. Sack Pals is a miniature sleeping bag that turns inside out to hold your four pals who stick with Velcro and sack bling which also sticks to your Sack Pal.

My two year old is not typical she is my Minnie  me. She speaks  full sentences walked before one and is very advanced. She sees her Sack Pals as her babies. You get four amazingly cute stuffies with your sack that each have names and stories. Your pals included are all listed below with a brief description. 

Our best little digger in town, if you need to hide something give it to Henry, he will find a safe spot. Henry is the first to wake up and the last to go to bed. He is always ready for playtime and will never leave your side.

This popular pachyderm has a nose for fun and adventure. He has the longest memory of all the Pals. He never forgets his friends’ birthdays and always brings the coolest presents.

Miss Emilee is a frisky kitty who is always up for a game of hide and seek. She would never scratch the furniture and loves snuggles and long naps in the sunshine.

This friendly little turtle is loved by all. Even though he carries a tough shell on his back, his heart is as soft and loving as can be. He moves slow but thinks fast. The other pals know that Theodore has an answer to any problem.

Sierra rocks  her pals to sleep and really cares for each of them. I love that she can easily keep up with them and play with them in her Sack Pal. The Sack Bling makes it extra fun to teach Sierra even more and play with her. She puts the sun out every morning for her sack pals and introduces them to their friends the Lillian ladybug  and Betty butterfly as Sierra calls them. Then every night Sierra puts the star out when it is their bed time and hers. It has become a little night time ritual for us. We can't wait for the new Sack Pals to come we are so excited to see the new characters coming soon!

 I love that you can throw Sack Pals right in the wash. They are very durable and easily stored. The fabric is amazing as well. It is very soft and just feels nice. Sierra already loves this materials and is what I call a blankie baby. She goes around with a soft blankie even in hot summer heat like Linus from Snoopie. Sack Pals is a perfect security blanket for her. She can take naps almost anywhere with her Sack Pal and I know her Sack Pal is clean and protects her from germs. All I have to do is throw it in the wash when we get home. It is perfect for long volunteer days at the boys school which Sierra tags along for and those long doctor appointments.

Make sure to check out Sack Pals website and be sure to follow Sack Pals on social media below:

Sack Pals wants to give one lucky fan a chance to win their own Sack Pal starter set! 




  1. I think it would be the bacon extravaganza but I would have to let my son help me pick if I were lucky enough to win! They are all so great.

  2. I would choose the wild game snack stick sampler

  3. I would choose the Ultimate Bacon Sampler.

  4. I would choose the taste of the south sampler

  5. I would choose the Ultimate Bacon Sampler.

  6. I would like the Ultimate Bacon Sampler!!

  7. I would like to try the country link sausage !


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