Thursday, June 23, 2016

Shark 2 in 1 Blast N Scrub

Forget about the mop and bucket or getting on your hands and knees to scrub floors. Use the Shark 2-in-1 Blast & Scrub Steam Pocket Mop to deep clean and sanitize your sealed wood and hardwood floors.  Did you know that studies have shown that we track in all sorts of harmful toxins from outside the home to the inside? I just recently read an article on this. It says that children are highly exposed to these toxins because they spend more time in the floors. They end up breathing in chemical-laden dust or soil tracked in by shoes. After reading that it became even more important for me to not only keep my floors clean, but to keep them sanitized. With the Shark 2-in-1 Blast & Scrub Steam Pocket Mop I have everything I need all on one mop. 

Not only can I clean,steam and sanitize my floors but there's also extra accessories to clean my shower, kitchen sink and appliances. The blast and scrub technology transforms the deep cleaning pocket mop into a powerful scrubber with concentrated steam as well as a handheld steamer for above the floor messes. Steam boiler delivers super-heated steam to sanitize sealed hard floors, has Hi and Lo modes to increase efficiency. The small, sleek design gives maximum maneuverability and the long power cord gets you a further reach. The large water tank allows for a longer run time.

Check out more about Shark Here:


Chike Nutrition

Chike Powered Peanut Butter is the peanut butter you've been waiting for. With all natural ingredients and no added oils or fats. The creamy, dreamy peanut butter has less fat and calories and is a healthier and more versatile option than the traditional peanut butter you are use to.
There's many ways to use Chike Powered Peanut Butter. You can use it on your pb & j sandwich, in your favorite recipes, desserts or to just mix up a delicious peanut butter smoothie. I prefer mine with bananas. Yummy!! Chike Powdered Peanut Butter has only 45 calories and 1.5 grams of fat per serving. There's also 6 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber per serving.

Peanut Butter was always my go-to comfort food, but after having my daughter I've been trying to get healthier. I not only want to lose the baby weight, I also want to be a healthier version of my self. Peanut butter was one of the hardest things for me to cut back on. So when Chike offered to send me some of their powdered peanut butter to review I was all for it. I honestly didn't think it would taste near as good as my regular peanut butter but boy was I wrong. Not only am I eating about 140 less calories per serving but I'm also getting to enjoy the amazing taste of Chike peanut butter. It is delightful. It's also a healthy option for kids. Mix them up a protein shake, smoothie or PB and banana sandwich for a healthier alternative..

Peanut Banana Smoothie using Chike Powdered Peanut Butter
- 1 cup chocolate almond milk, soy milk or chocolate milk
- 1 Banana (sliced)
- 2 tablespoons Chike PB
Simply place all items in blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!!!


Summer's Here Go Play!

This post is sponsored by the Voice of Play.

It's summertime! What's that mean? Time to get your kids and yourself up and outside for some interactive outdoor play! There is so much to do here in Kentucky, climb hills, fish, go on a nature walk; the possibilities are endless!
My kids really enjoy the water so I am so excited to share that they are in Florida right now catching fish and swimming in the ocean. It is truly the experience of a lifetime for them. Gavin my middle son is pictured above on the boat. Make sure to remember safety when outside life jackets if swimming, knee pads if biking, sunscreen anytime your going to be exposed to the sun. Even if it is overcast the sun is still present!
This year unplug those devices we all stay so attached at the ear to and spend time outside. When I grew up we didn't have cell phones or internet. I worry so often with my kids that with technologies huge benefits we are also losing so much. Some of my favorite memories are of catching my first butterflies and lightning bugs. So as soon as we saw the lightning bugs come out this year we hustled the kids out of the house and had them outside with us catching them. Find something you enjoyed doing outdoors as a child and share that with your kids! There is no better time to bond than over s'mores and fireflies!

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